Sunday 9 November 2014

Universal- By showing our planet, Earth, in their logo, Universal straight away suggests that they are't afraid to take on the whole world with their movies, linking also to the name 'Universal' meaning that their films should be suitable for a vast range of audiences, in this case, everyone. The Earth symbol could also suggest that Universal's films are seen as 'out of this world', also suggested by the space background, suggesting that their films provide the ultimate satisfaction to take their audience up and away from what they know and show them something new. It also shows that they are not afraid to take risks and achieve the best they can by aiming for such high goals. The font uses a 3D text effect which shows that Universal are a company who are trying different technological and visual techniques and want to create the best, most up-to-date and modern features possible. Also a galaxy is shown idnicating they are acheieving new things and their objectives are always to achieve beyong the mark.

Dreamworks- By showing a kid on the moon could refer to the context the film company is aming at which is young children. This therefore shows they are fishing for their dreams below on earth asthe sky making the audience intrigue. The symbol of sitting on the moon represents how they are achieving goals that people believe they cannot reach which shows they intend to create films that are out of this world represing the clouds and moon as they try to go above and beyond. With the logo dreamworks highlight they as a company always make believe as in the name dreams work showing nothing is impposible by standing out from their competition. Also Dreamworks is in bold showing they are confident on taking challenges as dreams try to help you succeed what you want.The colours used make it look like a dream and the effect of mist depicting a dream.

Paramount- By showing the mountain is indicating there ambitions are always high and at the peak with stars surrounding them, depicting there production as fascinating showing their status is high as stars symbolise purity and a heavenly feeling showing their films have a sense of self-fufillment. As the mountain is mount everest this tells us they are trying to achieve the impossible which reveals there preserverence.


Here is my logo design which is silver lining productions. Silver Lining productions are film producers who make films from a range of all ages. However silver lining prodcutions genres are mainly action, comedy and thriller. This is because these threes are the most popular and important ones. The target audience for silver lining productions is based around young adults and older men and women around in ther mid 40's. This is because our type of production will appeal to them and they would find it interesting as it is not appropriate for younger viewers. In my silver lining prodcutions we are including the genre of action and comedy to make it humourous but anticipating with the action. This is because it will be different and show how silver lining productions can diverse two genres to make it even better than one. I chose my logo design like this is because if you keep it simple to the audience it will make it easier for them to memorise. However even though it is called silver lining productions it is black and gold. This is because it represents how professional they are showing that the films they produce are always high standard and top-notch. Instead of writing Silver lining using their first letters make it more appealing to intrigue the audience what this is and between them is a line represeting lining with production under neath. Gold indicates richness and prestige highlighting the status of the production dazzling the target audeince. The sparkles add more effect to the logo showing the fine detail but makes it memorising looking like stars as the quality is always the best from silver lining productions.